Local Setup
There are some tools that I like to have on my local machine that makes working with Kubernetes much easier. This document will go through the installation and configuration of them.
What to install?
Since I'm on a Mac, everything is installed through (Homebrew)[https://brew.sh/].
brew install k9s helm kubernetes-cli
Kubernetes Tools
The only thing that really needs configuration is the kubernetes configuration tools. For that, you need to get a copy of the kube config file from the control-plane.
mkdir ~/.kube
scp ubuntu@basil.local:.kube/config ~/.kube/config
This configures both k9s and kubectl, so that bit is done. Both of the tools should work as you would expect.
You don't have to configure helm, but it's not a bad idea either. My personal chart repository is configured as follows.
helm repo add bbrietzke http://bbrietzke.github.io/charts
I have a few charts that I tend to use, in particular for setting up namespaces. I have three, prod, dev, and infra. There isn't much else to customize, so this just works.
helm install namespaces bbrietzke/namespaces
It's also the first helm chart I created.