Managing Certificates in Kubernetes

Dealing with TLS certificates is a pain in butt!

This document is just a reshash/shorten view with my specific configuration. You can find the full documentation over (at[].



helm repo add jetstack && helm repo update

There are a number of ancilliary resources that have to be installed. You can do it manually, or let the helm chart do it ( which is what I did ).

helm install \
  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.11.0 --set installCRDs=true

Go over (verify section on the official docs)[] to make sure it's working.


You have to create issuers per namespace that will actually create and distribute the certificates. It's one of those resources that you created when you installed the helm charts.


I created self-signed certificates for my namespaces just because.

Here is an example CRD:

kind: Issuer
  name: dev-selfsigned-issuer
  namespace: dev
  selfSigned: {}

I'm sure I'll write up a Helm chart at somepoint with the issuers that I need.

Using the Certificate Manager

The certificates are mostly used by your ingress controllers to prove that the domain is valid and encrypt the communications between the origin and the client. I'm sure that can be used else where, but this is the scenerio that I use them for.

You will need to modify the ingress resource defination to be similiar to:

kind: Ingress
    namespace: dev
    annotation: dev-selfsigned-issuer

The namespace must match the name of the issuer for that namespace.