Setting up Prometheus

So you have a kubernetes cluster all setup, but how do you make sure that it's up and working? Well, you have to monitor it!

(Prometheus)[] is a pretty complete all-in-one package for monitoring and alerting both stand alone nodes and the applications that run on them. It also has special hooks for monitoring Kubernetes and the pods that run on it.


So the easy way is to use the community helm chart. It will install Prometheus and a number of the other tools that falls under that umbrella as well. It doesn't do it perfectly, but it's pretty damn close to seemless.

Helm Charts

The Prometheus community build a set of helm charts over at (this Github page)[].
Which is nice because it's open source and publically available to all of us.

The instructions are pretty complete and thought out so getting started is not much of a problem. You have helm setup, right?

helm repo add prometheus-community

Take a look at the values, and see what you need to customize

helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus > prom_values.yaml

The obivious ones are setting up the persistent storage and adding additional scrape targets. I also ended up disabling the installation of AlertManager since it wouldn't connect with a persistent volume with the current configuration. Everything else is pretty boilerplate and, honestly, I just left things alone.

Here is my file:

    enabled: true
    annotations: nginx 'false'
    path: /
    enabled: true
      - ReadWriteOnce
    size: 8Gi
    volumeName: "prometheus"
  enabled: false

Applying the helm chart is pretty standard, and once it's done, you'll have a working Prometheus setup within a few minutes.

helm install -f prom_values.yml prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus -n infra